Sacramental Prep begins in 2nd grade and consists of 6 sessions for families and 5 classes for the children on their own.
A team of Catechists, as well as the Priest, work together to enable the parents/guardians to prepare their child(ren) for the reception of these sacraments.
For more information, visit our Religious Education webpage.
Caroline Fredette
We are so excited for another year of Youth Ministry in our South Seattle Parish Family. This year’s events were designed by a team of Middle School leaders who identified ways to build community and do service in a fun environment. We welcome youth in grades 6-9 to participate.
Jennifer Ibach
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is the process through which women and men become members of the Roman Catholic Church. The process is concerned with the total formation of the person; believing, praying, worshipping and serving with the community of the Catholic Church. This gradual process of development and preparation for a life of Christian discipleship culminates in the celebration of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist at the Easter Vigil.
The OCIA is designed for those seeking Christian baptism, for those baptized in other Christian denominations who now seek full communion with the Catholic Church, and for already baptized Catholics seeking to complete sacramental initiation through the reception of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist.
Eash parish in our Regional Parishes offer a program for children age 5 years old through the 8th grade who have not received the Sacraments of Initiation - Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation for their appropriate age. Volunteer Catechists prepare these children over a two year period for reception of the Sacraments during the Easter Season. The classes are held from October to Easter.
Caroline Fredette
These Eucharistic Ministers fulfill a very important need for our Church. They take Communion weekly or monthly to those who are recovering from illness, who are homebound due to disability, or to permanent residents in area nursing homes.
Ana Marie Juguilon
(206) 762-7744
Boys and girls, 4th grade and above, are eligible for this ministry. Training sessions are held quarterly throughout the year. Altar servers may serve at weekly masses, weddings, funerals, and school liturgies. Altar servers are scheduled and asked to arrive at least 15 minutes before Mass dressed in Sunday best ready to serve the church and assist the priest.
Ana Juguilon
(206) 762-7744
We have three opportunities for Eucharistic Adoration in our Southeast Seattle Cluster:
Tuesdays from 2-6pm at St. Paul (10001 57th Ave S., Seattle)
Wednesdays from 2-6pm at St. Edward (4212 S. Mead St., Seattle)
First Friday of the month from 5:30-6pm at St. George before the Vietnamese Mass. Chầu Thánh Thể mỗi thứ Sáu đầu tháng: 5:30pm và Thánh Lễ 6:00pm
Tuesday and Wednesday adoration ends with Benediction. If you would like to sign up for a weekly spot on those days, please visit our SignUpGenius.
Congratulations on your new little one. We are happy to help you prepare for the formation of your child’s faith. Through baptism, we become part of the royal, priestly people of God, called to holy lives of prayer and service.
The details:
Registered parishioners at St. George are invited to sign up for a Baptismal Preparation Class to begin the process (if you have taken the class within the past 3 years, you do not need to attend again). The class is for you and the 2 main Godparents. To register, we will need your child's birth certificate, the names and contact information for their godparents, and your registration fee ($50 for registered parishioners, $75 for non-registered parishioners).
Our office will work with you to set a date for your child's baptism. Baptims are usually held on the 1st Sunday of the month at our 10:30am Mass.
If you are a new parishioner, you may schedule your child 's baptism three months after you have registered. If you are a member of another parish and wish to have your child baptized here, you need a letter from your pastor giving permission. We can help you with the details.
If your child is 5 or over, please see information about the RCIA process (adapted for children) above
Ana Juguilon
(206) 762-7744
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion serve the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass and to the sick and homebound. "Ordinary" ministers of communion are the bishop, priest, and deacon. Due to pastoral needs of providing communion to all the faithful, the Church authorizes special ministers who are able to distribute communion at Mass and to person who are sick and/or homebound. If you feel called to this minstry, please contact us.
Ana Marie Juguilon
(206) 762-7744
The overall purpose of the school commission is to advise and support the pastor and principal in the operation of the parish school. School Commissions may be responsible for the following:
Principal Monica Wingard
Assures the maintenance of our parish facilities. Volunteers assist in all phases of maintenance, and set long term goals and agenda for facilities. This ministry works to continue to enhance the beauty of our church and school campuses. Volunteers are needed to plant flowers, spread pine straw, prepare beds for planting, or whatever interests you. Anyone who enjoys gardening or working outdoors with a cheerful, positive, enthusiastic attitude is welcome. Just call to let us know your interest and we’ll find a way for you to help that fits your schedule.
Rodney Cunningham
(206) 725-2050
This ministry works to continue to enhance the beauty of our church and school campuses. Volunteers are needed to plant flowers, trim trees, spread pine straw, prepare beds for planting, or whatever interests you. Anyone who enjoys gardening or working outdoors with a cheerful, positive, enthusiastic attitude is welcome. Just call to let you know your interest and we’ll find a way for you to help that fits your schedule.
Ana Marie Juguilon
(206) 762-7744
The parish pastoral council is a consultative body to the pastor. The purpose of the pastoral council is to examine, consider, and draw conclusions concerning matters under discussion in order to recommend a course of action to the pastor. Through pastoral planning, the pastoral council assists the pastor in:
These men and women make Mass at St. George an enjoyable and beneficial experience for all who attend. They are there to greet and seat people, pass out bulletin, and direct communion. other responsibilities include taking-up the collection, straightening-up pews after Mass, selecting the honor family and assisting people with health emergencies as needed.
Ana Marie Juguilon
(206) 762-7744
Lectors are individuals who boldly and effectively proclaim God’s Word and share the good news of His saving love within the context of liturgical worship at St. George Church. Volunteers read assigned readings at Sunday worship and other special liturgical celebrations. Lectors must be outgoing, friendly and be good readers and communicators with a strong voice. They must have received Confirmation, be in good standing with the Catholic Church, a registered members of St. George Church. An audition is necessary and attendance to 1 seminar per year is required. Lectors average 2-3 readings per quarter and they must spend time preparing for their readings with the help of a guidebook. schedules are prepared quarterly.
Ana Marie Juguilon
(206) 762-7744
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy communion assist the priest with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and by taking Holy Communion to parishioners who can not attend Mass. Any Catholic over 18, who is in good standing with the church and who has been a member of the parish for at least one year may apply. Ministers distribute the Blessed sacrament, do pre-mass setup and after mass cleanup. All members must be approved by the pastor. Initial training is done with follow-up as needed. Ministers sign up to serve at least one or two masses per month.
Ana Marie Juguilon
(206) 762-7744
Volunteers work to create an environment that enhances our liturgies. Tasks involve planning, design, sewing, decorating, banners and flower arranging.
The St. George Fil-Am Choir contributes to the spiritual growth of the religious services by leading and providing music combined by the Samoan Choir at the 10:30am Sunday Mass and other special Masses throughout the year. Anyone over the age of 18, with singing ability or who can play an instrument is welcome. The choir rehearses 7:00-9:00 p.m. every other Thursday night in the Rainbow Room.
Jun Aguilar
(206) 767-6056
Following the phone call from the family after the death of a loved one, the priest is notified and he calls or goes to visit the family. Arrangements are made for the time and date of the Funeral Mass. The family of the deceased is invited to come to the parish office and is guided through the Funeral Mass. family members are involved in choosing the Scripture readings, picking some favorite liturgical hymns and invited to bring up the gifts at the offertory. On some occasions our Seniors help with the reception after the Funeral.
Ana Marie Juguilon
(206) 762-7744
Volunteers who assist people to their seat if necessary. They also take up the collection.
Duties include preparing the altar for Mass and cleaning the altar following Mass.